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Say Anything
By: Allan T. Price

Often, people find themselves with strong opinions and nowhere to vent them. Have you read 'The Survival Lottery' by John Harris? What about ‘Pegasus Touch’ or ‘The Scales’ by Karen Sutcliffe? Do you, like me, write opinions that you’re dying to share and discuss with others, but no one you know reads them or wants to? Did you receive poor service, such as a ‘100% Money Back Guarantee’ that turned out to be only 43%? You can complain to the company but they already know how they deceived you. Are you angry that the company used ‘weasel’ wording but didn’t actually break the law? So, you have no recourse through the court system, but do you feel you must warn people about this company?  

If you want to share your passion or outrage with interested people, what are your opinions? You can tell your family and friends, if they’re interested. But often they aren’t, or they lose interest after being told twice. Writing a book takes months or years, and then even longer to get it accepted by a publisher, if you ever do. If you decide to publish it yourself it costs at least five hundred dollars to get a hundred copies printed. Then all you do is start imposing them on the same family and friends, and storing the rest in your garage.

Or, for about twenty bucks, anyone with passionate views can get their own website. On your website you can say anything to everyone in the world, without anyone limiting your freedom of speech. Plus, if enough people share in your opinions or your passions, donations or subscription fees can mean the website actually makes you money.

Tasha Cavelle Joseph wanted a way for women to be warned about cheating men and so set up According to the site itself, it currently averages 200,000 hits per day, and features over 900 cheating men with more being added each day!

Russ Belville received a ‘100% Money Back Guarantee’ that turned out to be only 43% of what he originally had paid. So, he told everyone about it in detail on his website: [ column for Sat 18-Mar-2006]

All over the world people are connected with other people sharing their opinions and passionately warning people about cheating partners and cheating companies. This is making the truth, and their wisdom, available to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

About The Author

Allan T. Price
Allan T. Price is a creative writer working at M6.Net: ‘The web-hosting company for humans.’ M6.Net is working hard to help humanity experience the power and freedom to develop their own part of the Internet, to share their information and connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime.


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